Thursday, November 13, 2014


Almost 4 hours but haven't continued my 202 mixed method proposal. Should conduct a research about procrastination.
A philosopher stated that ”优点是个人的伟大,缺点是有时代特征。”

       Procrastination is a disease nowadays. A lot of city people kena this disease. 
But why?

1. Too many things to do.
Why procrastinating? Actually we have too many things to do now, and then traffic and other stuffs also seperate our time. And those easier and less stressful stuffs will atract our human nature to do them first and then convince ourselves, like " yes, I achieved something small, and then big one later, I will carry on"

2. Cyberworld and technology products
Our FB, Instagram, tweets will keep disturbing our life. They split up our time, and it is also caused by the view I gave in the last sentences of first point.

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